Funding Options
HSP For Pensioners and DVA clients
The Hearing Services Program (HSP) is run by the Australian government. It allows eligible Australian Pensioners and Veterans to access free hearing services, including hearing assessments, hearing aids and hearing rehabilitation. If you are fitted with hearing aids under the HSP Scheme they are also able to pay a small yearly fee which then covers your aids for repairs and batteries for that year. You can also upgrade the technology of the hearing aids to hear comfortably in noisy places with an out-of-pocket cost that is depending on the level of technology.
Payment Plans
Joy of Hearing is partnered with HUMM to make the hearing aids very affordable for you with their INTEREST FREE payment plans! With this arrangement the top range hearing aids with artificial intelligence and full-fledged technology with Bluetooth function will only cost $87 a week!
Conditions apply: Eligibility Criteria in place by HUMM
Private Health Funds
This information has been extracted from public websites and compiled into a form that allows you to easily find your fund and current schemes offered, to see what benefits you may be entitled to. Joy of Hearing does not guarantee the accuracy of the information and presents these summaries as a guideline only. Individuals should contact their health fund to check which benefits apply specifically to them.
Lost and Damage
Hearing aids can be listed under home insurance policies for loss and/or damage. Some funds will direct their customers to a preferred supplier when an insurance claim is lodged.